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Collaborative Robots

Versatile, precise, and efficient

COBOTS are robots that are designed to work alongside humans, performing a range of complex tasks with precision and efficiency.

They are ideal for environments where close contact with humans is common. With COBOTs, there is no need for a cage or area scanner, except when dealing with sharp objects. They are versatile, easy to program, and can be used on multiple systems.

COBOTs are also excellent for assembly or part placement to increase throughput and productivity for skilled labor.

Infinity Robotics offers a variety of COBOT choices

Every COBOT system sold by Infinity Robotics comes with four hours of free on-site setup and training, travel extra. Our competitive COBOT packages include a stand/cart, EOAT/gripper, and third-party software that makes setup and programming fun and easy. We also provide 24/7 support to ensure that you get the most out of your COBOT system.

At Infinity Robotics, we have the right tools to meet your needs. Let us specify and support the system that works best for you.